An issue that often presents itself in infancy, nystagmus causes its sufferers to involuntarily and quickly moves the eyes in a rapid succession of movements. While most individuals with this medical condition will look up and down or sideways, others will swing their eyes all through the field of vision.
There are several kinds of this condition, including:
- Congenital nystagmus – present from birth, this condition is characterized by a pendulum-like motion of both eyes.
- Manifest nystagmus – this condition is affects its sufferers when both eyes are used.
- Latent nystagmus – this form of nystagmus only occurs when one eye is covered.
- Manifest-latent nystagmus – this problem is always apparent, but becomes worse if one eye is covered.
- Acquired nystagmus – unlike the other forms, this problem can occur as a side effect of medication, disease or other neurological problem.
Nystagmus is a neurological problem and is either characterized as vestibular, which means inner ear related, or optokinetic, eye related. While the symptoms often show improvement in adulthood, stress or fatigue often exacerbates the problem. Individuals with this condition should consult regularly with a trained eyecare professional to monitor the condition and discuss all of the treatment methods that are available.